Boston Beer Club
Where Good People and Good Beer Connect

About Us

We’re a small group of friends in the Boston Metro Area who sit around and drink beer all day. No, just kidding, but wouldn’t that be great? We’re actually a fairly close-knit group of friends that started this group along the lines of the BeerAdvocate motto: Respect Beer! In order to properly respect beer, we thought it’d be a great idea, not only to gain more understanding of the complexity and diversity in the beer industry. One reason I started this group was because I had noticed that basically the same basic beer – take a stock American IPA for example – can differ so greatly from brewery to brewery. Everything from the water, barley, hops, and yeast used in the brewing process down to fermentation process gives each brewery their fingerprint on the style. Anyways, I could ramble on for hours about this, but I won’t… in the About Us section at least. Check our site often for industry news, reviews, releases, etc.




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